Selection Guide


Here we have listed our products according to OS (Operating System) and locking method. If you are unsure of what product you need, please contact us.

Link Data Security supports the following OS and authorization key formats:

Operating systems:  Windows (Network), macOS (OS X), Linux 
Authorization key:  CD, DVD, USB‑stick, web license key

Distribution can in all cases be via CD, DVD, USB-stick or web download.

Protections can be invisible for the end-user, or may need an access code entered on installation. Time-expiry or regular server contact can be chosen for higher security.

Protection for program files (executables) is normally applied directly to the main executable file. For data files used by generic applications, you must also use one of the products from the "Data Protection" section below.

Program Protection:

Physical locking:
Web locking:
Windows CD/DVD/USB‑Cops WebCops
Windows Network NetCops UNI‑Cops
macOS (OS X)USB‑Cops WebCops
LinuxCD/DVD‑Cops for Linux                 

Data protection:

Cops Crypto is used to protect data files. The Crypto loader (on-the-fly decrypter) is then protected according to the table above. Without starting the Crypto loader, the generic application cannot use the encrypted data. Below you can find the appropriate version of Crypto.

PDF files:
Html files:
CAD files:
Other files:
Cops Crypto

The Crypto loader must be protected by one of our program protections, see above.
For macOS (OS X) 10.6+,WebCops or USB‑Cops can be used.


When you have found a protection product, you can get more info by clicking on the product name. If you are not sure which product to use for your particular application, please contact us.


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Link Data Security has developed copy‑protection and security solutions for more than 30 years. We support Windows, Mac and Linux on almost any electronic media. Our copy-protection is an investment, not a cost.

© Link Data Security